priority-map- The priority map data structure is a map combined with a heap

Safe HaskellNone




A (dynamically-sized) heap in the ST monad that allows for callbacks when objects change position within the heap. These callbacks are necessary for external data structures to keep track of the heap's state, which allows us to create the priority map data structure.

Lowest scores get placed at the top of the heap.


The heap type

data Heap s k v




payload :: DynArray s (k, v)
size :: STRef s Int


type OnUpdate s kv = Int -> kv -> ST s ()

When this update is called, it means that heap data kv (a score/value pair) has been moved to a new position (indicated by the Int).

nullCallback :: OnUpdate s a

This callback does nothing.


empty :: ST s (Heap s k v)

Create a new empty heap.


The functions which end in "With" allow you to supply an arbitrary callback. The functions which do not use nullCallback.

insertWith :: Ord k => Heap s k v -> OnUpdate s (k, v) -> (k, v) -> ST s ()

O(log n). Insert a new score/value pair into the heap.

insert :: Ord k => Heap s k v -> (k, v) -> ST s ()

O(log n). Insert a new score/value pair into the heap (using nullCallback).

popWith :: Ord k => Heap s k v -> OnUpdate s (k, v) -> ST s (Maybe (k, v))

O(log n). Remove the element with the lowest score from the heap. If the heap is empty, return Nothing and make no modifications.

pop :: Ord k => Heap s k v -> ST s (Maybe (k, v))

O(log n). Remove the element with the lowest score from the heap (using nullCallback).

Internal functions

You probably shouldn't call these functions.

bubbleUp :: Ord k => Heap s k v -> OnUpdate s (k, v) -> Int -> (k, v) -> ST s Int

Returns the final location of the thing that is bubbled up.

bubbleDown :: Ord k => Heap s k v -> OnUpdate s (k, v) -> Int -> (k, v) -> Int -> ST s Int

Returns the final location of the thing that is bubbled down.

bubbleUpDown :: Ord k => Heap s k v -> OnUpdate s (k, v) -> Int -> (k, v) -> ST s Int

Bubble up or down, depending on what is appropriate.

lookup :: Heap s k v -> Int -> ST s (k, v)

O(1). Lookup the score/value pair at a particular index in the heap.

modifyWith :: Ord k => Heap s k v -> OnUpdate s (k, v) -> Int -> ((k, v) -> (k, v)) -> ST s ()

O(log n). Make a modification to an element located at a particular index in the heap, and adjust the heap accordingly.

deleteWith :: Ord k => Heap s k v -> OnUpdate s (k, v) -> Int -> ST s ()

O(log n). Delete an element from a particular index in the heap, and adjust the heap accordingly.


data Tree a


Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) 


Show a => Show (Tree a) 

inspect :: Heap s k v -> ST s (Tree (k, v))

Return a tree that represents the current heap.